Alice Huber

"Mother Mary Rose"


Born on November 29, 1861 in Jasper, Indiana

Our history

The History of the Work

 In 1896, Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, convert daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne, left the luxury and ease of the intellectual society into which she was born for the poverty stricken society of cancer sufferers in the slums of New York.  With Alice Huber, who soon joined her, she worked, nursed and suffered, sometimes almost beyond endurance, yet always with a firm trust in God and a deep interior peace.  Slowly and with great difficulty their charitable work grew from four rooms on Water Street where three patients were accommodated. At the present we have two modern, fully equipped Homes where hundreds of Christ's poor are cared for until God welcomes them into His eternal kingdom.

The History of this Home

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home was established in 1939.  Originally the Hebrew Orphan's Home, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home served for over thirty years as a spacious and comfortable haven for the many who came to spend their last days in peace and security. In 1973 the original building was replaced.  The new Home was dedicated, a monument to the generosity of a sympathetic public.  The sisters, whose legal title is Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer, continue to serve in the spirit of the two courageous women who gave all they had to God through the care of His cancer sufferers.

Through the  liberality of the public, this home has not only brought relief to thousands, but has been to them a real home in every sense of the word.

Transparency in Coverage Compliance:  Aetna Signature Admin - Machine Readable Files (MRFs)
This link leads to the machine-readable files which are made available in response to the Federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and include negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.

"We must make our guests as comfortable and happy as if their own people had kept them and put them into the very best bedroom.  We must love them."

Mother Mary Alphonsa

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home

Free Home for Incurable Cancer


Rose Hawthorne

"Mother Mary Alphonsa"


​Born on May 20, 1851

in Lenox, Massachusetts

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Visit the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne website to learn more about our Congregation and Apostolate.


About Us

Our Mission

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home, a skilled nursing facility operated by the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, is  dedicated to providing palliative care to persons afflicted with incurable cancer.  The Home, supported solely by voluntary donations from the public, is a free home for those who cannot afford to pay for needed care.  No payments are accepted from patients or their families, or from third parties such as insurance companies or government agencies.

As a Catholic Home, we respect the sanctity of life and the dignity of each human being. Thus, the Home is operated according to "The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services" promulgated by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and euthanasia  and assisted suicide will never be practiced in the Home.

We will proclaim the Gospel of Life: "In every child which is born and in every person who lives or dies we see the image of God's glory.  We celebrate this glory in every human being, a sign of the living God, an icon of Jesus Christ."       

Vocation Director

To learn more about Vocations to our Congregation or Vocation Events, please contact

Sr. Diana Marie

(845) 745-1319